Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Jayhawks - the Bunkhouse record 1986

Surely one of the best "retro" country rock albums of the 80s is The Jayhawks debut album, "The Bunkhouse record", named after their first record label. A kind of forgotten album compared to the recognition the newer Jayhawks got later. In it's own peculiar way, a fantastic album, and on the 'hawks' first album you can draw a lot of lines back to the country rock of the late 60s/early 70s, as the likes of New Riders of the Purple Sage, Gram Parsons, Flying Burrito Brothers, Buck Owens,  though served with new fluid 15-20 years later. Don't forget that 1986 (calculation made easy :-) was only 15 years later than the early 70s were country rock albums popped out, and The Jayhawks respectfully continued the sounds of that period.

Nice live clip even before the release. September 1985.

Six pack on the dashboard? Not my recommendation if your hands are on the wheel !

Youtube are missing many of the best songs of the Bunkouse record, so I recommend you go out buyin' it, listening to it on Spotify, elsewhere, or simply forever hold you peace. Check out all the song clips of the album on Allmusic: http://www.allmusic.com/album/the-jayhawks-aka-the-bunkhouse-album-mw0001468923

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